Observations Assimilated at NASA's GMAO: A six-hour snapshot
This slide represents a snapshot of an animation of all observations actively assimilated in the GEOS-5 Atmospheric Data Assimilation System at the NASA Goddard’s Global Modeling and Assimilation Office. The animation is valid for ±3 hours of 0000 UTC on 10 December 2014. It illustrates the progression of observations over the course of the 6 hour assimilation window. While GPM and ISS-RapidScat observations are denoted here, also present are the observations from other NASA satellites (including Suomi-NPP, Aqua, Aura, TRMM, and TERRA), NOAA (POES, GOES), EUMETSAT (Metop, MSG) and DoD (DMSP) satellites. Conventional observations are apparent, as the the radiosonde network, surface stations, and flight tracks are all visible.
Highlighted observations are new to within five minutes of the clock in the animation below. The assimilations "burn in" to the animation to illustrate how they accumulate over the six-hour assimilation window.
A larger version of this animation is available for download. Links: MPEG-4 format, OGG format