08.20.2011 - GMAO starts GEOS-5 real time data production at ¼ deg horizontal resolution
The GMAO has started the real time GEOS-5.7.2 data assimilation production on August 19, 2011. The new system generates data products at ¼ deg horizontal resolution and of significantly improved quality, resulting from many advances made in both the model and analysis. The GEOS-5.2.0 data production will continue in parallel until the end of 2011, to allow GEOS-5 real time data users ample time to transition to the new products.
For more details, please visit the GMAO Products page.
08.03.2011 GEOS-5 Forecasting Support for HS3 Campaign
The Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel (HS3) is a five-year mission specifically targeted to investigate the processes that underlie hurricane formation and intensity change in the Atlantic Ocean basin. HS3 is motivated by hypotheses related to the relative roles of the large-scale environment and storm-scale internal processes.
HS3 will utilize two Global Hawks, one with an instrument suite geared toward measurement of the environment and the other with instruments
suited to inner-core structure and processes. Field measurements will
take place for one month each during the hurricane seasons of 2012-2014.
The GMAO, in collaboration with the Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch, NCCS and SIVO, are providing meteorological and chemical forecast support for aiding flight planning and data analysis in the field.
07.11.2011 - GEOS-5 Forecasting Support for DISCOVER-AQ
DISCOVER-AQ (Deriving Information on Surface Conditions from Column and Vertically Resolved Observations Relevant to Air Quality) is a four-year campaign to improve the use of satellites to monitor air quality for public health and environmental benefit.
This field campaign will provide systematic and concurrent observations of column-integrated, surface, and vertically-resolved distributions of aerosols and trace gases relevant to air quality as they evolve throughout the day. This will be accomplished with a combination of two NASA airborne platforms (sampling in coordination with re-locatable and fixed surface networks). Through these targeted airborne and ground-based observations, DISCOVER-AQ will enable more effective use of current and future satellites to diagnose ground level conditions influencing air quality.
The 2011 DISCOVER-AQ flights by NASA B200 and P3-B research aircraft were conducted in July, 2011. The GMAO, in collaboration with SIVO,the Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch, and NCCS provided chemical forecast support for aiding flight planning and data analysis in the field.
02.14.2011 - ROSES11-A40 - Potential collaborations
The ROSES11 - A40 opportunity in Computational Modeling Algorithms and Cyberinfrastructure (CMAC) solicits proposals that address "new or improved computational modeling algorithms; the exploitation of new computing, storage, and networking architectures; the development of programming and analysis environment, interfaces between observational data and models, large scale observational input data and model output data management, and the adoption of rigorous software engineering standards, practice, and tools." Information for proposals that wish to collaborate with GMAO in response to A40 is available on the GEOS-5 web site.
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